Gary M. Grandon, Ph.D.
Educational Psychologist and Consultant

Educational Solutions to Today's Challenges

Students Families Schools Colleges Universities Businesses
Rosen Grandon Associates, Inc.
3106 Edgewater Drive
Greensboro, North Carolina 27403

office 336.292.2116
fax 336.292.2162

Educational Consulting for Student and Families

Consultation with students and families:

When students have problems with schools an entire system goes out of balance. Students now have problems with the school and most likely also with their parents. Parents now have problems with their children and the school. And the school now has a problem with the parents and the students.

Problems with school are of various sorts. They can be  disciplinary, oppositional (student won't do as requested), or learning related.

Frequently these parents, schools and students do not have the same concerns or goals for the solution to these problems. Sometimes one of the parties will pass the problem off onto the student, the parent, or the school depending on perspective and convenience. Such blame passing often creates a climate of distrust and makes worse whatever problems may have presented themselves to begin with.

We view problems of students as system problems involving not only the student but also the family and the school situation. We seek pragmatic solutions and short-term interventions.

Once the whole situation is sorted through focus on solutions may indeed include student centered services for Learning Differences (Gifted or Challenged), oppositional disorders, and so on. Sometimes problems involve family issues in which case services may well be recommended from a Family Counselor. And sometimes, the school may indeed be problematic, in which case consultation or mediation services may well be most appropriate.

Although Dr. Grandon is a Life-Member of the American Psychological Association he is not a licensed clinician. When issues arise that require individual or family mental health counseling or psychotherapy Rosen Grandon Associates has on staff Jane R. Rosen-Grandon, Ph.D., who is a  Licensed Marital & Family Therapist and a Licensed Professional Counselor with over 35 years of experience. Dr-Jane and Dr. Grandon have been working together for many years.